Wednesday 10 August 2011


Punctuality and regularity should be maintained;

It is compulsory for all the students to attend the morning assembly;

Personal hygiene shall be taken care of;

Always wear neat and clean uniform;

There should be no unnecessary loitering in the corridors;

Always move from one place to another in a line;

No student should stand at the door or make a noise during the change over of the teachers;

Always use dustbins to throw wrappers and paper;

Mobile or any other advice is banned in the college premises;

Always wish the teacher and leave the class after the teacher’s permission at break and home time;


Proper seating arrangements and straight lines shall be maintained;

The classroom will be kept neat and clean;

There should be no loitering in the class;

Complete silence should prevail in the class;

Classroom logistics shall be taken care of;

Only one student at a time will be allowed to go out for water, washroom etc;

Tube lights and fans should be switched off before leaving the classroom;

The monitor shall ensure overall discipline in the classroom in the absence of teacher;

No one will stay in the class during break time;


To help ensuring the discipline of students by coordinating with PTI and class prefects.

To assign special duties to the class prefects.

To deal with the disciplinary matters reported by prefects.

To report the serious disciplinary matters to the Principal.

To ensure discipline of the students in functions through teachers and prefects.


To help ensuring the discipline of students by coordination of class prefects and PTI.

To help arranging the morning assembly by making the students to stand in queues.

To maintain the discipline at assembly, break & home time assign duties to class prefects.

To help order by movement of students.

To covey the students demand to the head or the Principal.

Disciplinary problems of serious nature shall immediately be reported to the Principal directly.

To make sure through class prefects that, the tube lights & fans are off before leaving the class rooms.

To submit a daily report of happenings to Principal.

He must be a model for other students in discipline.


The monitor will ensure overall discipline in the absence of the teacher;

In the absence of the monitor, the second monitor shall look after the class;

The monitor shall keep the lines of desks and chairs straight;

He / She shall ensure cleanliness in the classroom;

He / She shall move the class from one place to another in a line and shall also see that;

a. The second monitor leads the class;

b. He / She is at the end and switches off the electric appliances and on their return, he switches them on;

c. No student shall break the line;

He / She shall allow only one students, at a time, to go out for water, canteen etc;

If any teacher is late for five minutes, the second monitor shall inform the concerned teacher;

Mischievous or misbehaving students shall be reported to the class teacher but any disciplinary problem of serious nature shall immediately be reported to the headmaster / headmistress.
